Registration for Hillerød Påske Cup 2025

Hillerød Påskecup offentliggør løbende billeder og video fra stævnet på hjemmesiden, i nyhedsbreve, i tryksager og på sociale medier. Deltagere ved Hillerød Påskecup giver automatisk tilladelse til, at vi må benytte billederne.

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Contact information

Choose in which categories to register

Boys U9A U09DA  

Full, register for stand-by list {{registration.clubName}} has registered max # teams to U09DA Stopped By invitation only {{ cat.registered>cat.limit ? 0 : cat.limit-cat.registered }} places left
Select type of team above Only for recreational teams Only for associations Enter name of club above first Register team Already registered to category
The team will end up on the standby list

Boys U9B U09DB  

Full, register for stand-by list {{registration.clubName}} has registered max # teams to U09DB Stopped By invitation only {{ cat.registered>cat.limit ? 0 : cat.limit-cat.registered }} places left
Select type of team above Only for recreational teams Only for associations Enter name of club above first Register team Already registered to category
The team will end up on the standby list

Boys U11A U11DA  

Full, register for stand-by list {{registration.clubName}} has registered max # teams to U11DA Stopped By invitation only {{ cat.registered>cat.limit ? 0 : cat.limit-cat.registered }} places left
Select type of team above Only for recreational teams Only for associations Enter name of club above first Register team Already registered to category
The team will end up on the standby list

Boys U11B U11DB  

Full, register for stand-by list {{registration.clubName}} has registered max # teams to U11DB Stopped By invitation only {{ cat.registered>cat.limit ? 0 : cat.limit-cat.registered }} places left
Select type of team above Only for recreational teams Only for associations Enter name of club above first Register team Already registered to category
The team will end up on the standby list

Boys U11C U11DC  

Full, register for stand-by list {{registration.clubName}} has registered max # teams to U11DC Stopped By invitation only {{ cat.registered>cat.limit ? 0 : cat.limit-cat.registered }} places left
Select type of team above Only for recreational teams Only for associations Enter name of club above first Register team Already registered to category
The team will end up on the standby list

Boys U11D U11DD  

Full, register for stand-by list {{registration.clubName}} has registered max # teams to U11DD Stopped By invitation only {{ cat.registered>cat.limit ? 0 : cat.limit-cat.registered }} places left
Select type of team above Only for recreational teams Only for associations Enter name of club above first Register team Already registered to category
The team will end up on the standby list

Boys U13A U13DA  

Full, register for stand-by list {{registration.clubName}} has registered max # teams to U13DA Stopped By invitation only {{ cat.registered>cat.limit ? 0 : cat.limit-cat.registered }} places left
Select type of team above Only for recreational teams Only for associations Enter name of club above first Register team Already registered to category
The team will end up on the standby list

Boys U13B U13DB  

Full, register for stand-by list {{registration.clubName}} has registered max # teams to U13DB Stopped By invitation only {{ cat.registered>cat.limit ? 0 : cat.limit-cat.registered }} places left
Select type of team above Only for recreational teams Only for associations Enter name of club above first Register team Already registered to category
The team will end up on the standby list

Boys U13C U13DC  

Full, register for stand-by list {{registration.clubName}} has registered max # teams to U13DC Stopped By invitation only {{ cat.registered>cat.limit ? 0 : cat.limit-cat.registered }} places left
Select type of team above Only for recreational teams Only for associations Enter name of club above first Register team Already registered to category
The team will end up on the standby list

Boys U13D U13DD  

Full, register for stand-by list {{registration.clubName}} has registered max # teams to U13DD Stopped By invitation only {{ cat.registered>cat.limit ? 0 : cat.limit-cat.registered }} places left
Select type of team above Only for recreational teams Only for associations Enter name of club above first Register team Already registered to category
The team will end up on the standby list

Boys U15A U15DA  

Full, register for stand-by list {{registration.clubName}} has registered max # teams to U15DA Stopped By invitation only {{ cat.registered>cat.limit ? 0 : cat.limit-cat.registered }} places left
Select type of team above Only for recreational teams Only for associations Enter name of club above first Register team Already registered to category
The team will end up on the standby list

Boys U15B U15DB  

Full, register for stand-by list {{registration.clubName}} has registered max # teams to U15DB Stopped By invitation only {{ cat.registered>cat.limit ? 0 : cat.limit-cat.registered }} places left
Select type of team above Only for recreational teams Only for associations Enter name of club above first Register team Already registered to category
The team will end up on the standby list

Boys U15C U15DC  

Full, register for stand-by list {{registration.clubName}} has registered max # teams to U15DC Stopped By invitation only {{ cat.registered>cat.limit ? 0 : cat.limit-cat.registered }} places left
Select type of team above Only for recreational teams Only for associations Enter name of club above first Register team Already registered to category
The team will end up on the standby list

Boys U17 U17D  

Full, register for stand-by list {{registration.clubName}} has registered max # teams to U17D Stopped By invitation only {{ cat.registered>cat.limit ? 0 : cat.limit-cat.registered }} places left
Select type of team above Only for recreational teams Only for associations Enter name of club above first Register team Already registered to category
The team will end up on the standby list

Girls U9A U09PA  

Full, register for stand-by list {{registration.clubName}} has registered max # teams to U09PA Stopped By invitation only {{ cat.registered>cat.limit ? 0 : cat.limit-cat.registered }} places left
Select type of team above Only for recreational teams Only for associations Enter name of club above first Register team Already registered to category
The team will end up on the standby list

Girls U9B U09PB  

Full, register for stand-by list {{registration.clubName}} has registered max # teams to U09PB Stopped By invitation only {{ cat.registered>cat.limit ? 0 : cat.limit-cat.registered }} places left
Select type of team above Only for recreational teams Only for associations Enter name of club above first Register team Already registered to category
The team will end up on the standby list

Girls U11A U11PA  

Full, register for stand-by list {{registration.clubName}} has registered max # teams to U11PA Stopped By invitation only {{ cat.registered>cat.limit ? 0 : cat.limit-cat.registered }} places left
Select type of team above Only for recreational teams Only for associations Enter name of club above first Register team Already registered to category
The team will end up on the standby list

Girls U11B U11PB  

Full, register for stand-by list {{registration.clubName}} has registered max # teams to U11PB Stopped By invitation only {{ cat.registered>cat.limit ? 0 : cat.limit-cat.registered }} places left
Select type of team above Only for recreational teams Only for associations Enter name of club above first Register team Already registered to category
The team will end up on the standby list

Girls U11C U11PC  

Full, register for stand-by list {{registration.clubName}} has registered max # teams to U11PC Stopped By invitation only {{ cat.registered>cat.limit ? 0 : cat.limit-cat.registered }} places left
Select type of team above Only for recreational teams Only for associations Enter name of club above first Register team Already registered to category
The team will end up on the standby list

Girls U11D U11PD  

Full, register for stand-by list {{registration.clubName}} has registered max # teams to U11PD Stopped By invitation only {{ cat.registered>cat.limit ? 0 : cat.limit-cat.registered }} places left
Select type of team above Only for recreational teams Only for associations Enter name of club above first Register team Already registered to category
The team will end up on the standby list

Girls U13A U13PA  

Full, register for stand-by list {{registration.clubName}} has registered max # teams to U13PA Stopped By invitation only {{ cat.registered>cat.limit ? 0 : cat.limit-cat.registered }} places left
Select type of team above Only for recreational teams Only for associations Enter name of club above first Register team Already registered to category
The team will end up on the standby list

Girls U13B U13PB  

Full, register for stand-by list {{registration.clubName}} has registered max # teams to U13PB Stopped By invitation only {{ cat.registered>cat.limit ? 0 : cat.limit-cat.registered }} places left
Select type of team above Only for recreational teams Only for associations Enter name of club above first Register team Already registered to category
The team will end up on the standby list

Girls U13C U13PC  

Full, register for stand-by list {{registration.clubName}} has registered max # teams to U13PC Stopped By invitation only {{ cat.registered>cat.limit ? 0 : cat.limit-cat.registered }} places left
Select type of team above Only for recreational teams Only for associations Enter name of club above first Register team Already registered to category
The team will end up on the standby list

Girls U13D U13PD  

Full, register for stand-by list {{registration.clubName}} has registered max # teams to U13PD Stopped By invitation only {{ cat.registered>cat.limit ? 0 : cat.limit-cat.registered }} places left
Select type of team above Only for recreational teams Only for associations Enter name of club above first Register team Already registered to category
The team will end up on the standby list

Girls U15A U15PA  

Full, register for stand-by list {{registration.clubName}} has registered max # teams to U15PA Stopped By invitation only {{ cat.registered>cat.limit ? 0 : cat.limit-cat.registered }} places left
Select type of team above Only for recreational teams Only for associations Enter name of club above first Register team Already registered to category
The team will end up on the standby list

Girls U15B U15PB  

Full, register for stand-by list {{registration.clubName}} has registered max # teams to U15PB Stopped By invitation only {{ cat.registered>cat.limit ? 0 : cat.limit-cat.registered }} places left
Select type of team above Only for recreational teams Only for associations Enter name of club above first Register team Already registered to category
The team will end up on the standby list

Girls U15C U15PC  

Full, register for stand-by list {{registration.clubName}} has registered max # teams to U15PC Stopped By invitation only {{ cat.registered>cat.limit ? 0 : cat.limit-cat.registered }} places left
Select type of team above Only for recreational teams Only for associations Enter name of club above first Register team Already registered to category
The team will end up on the standby list

Girls U17 U17P  

Full, register for stand-by list {{registration.clubName}} has registered max # teams to U17P Stopped By invitation only {{ cat.registered>cat.limit ? 0 : cat.limit-cat.registered }} places left
Select type of team above Only for recreational teams Only for associations Enter name of club above first Register team Already registered to category
The team will end up on the standby list


Norway Cup is a meeting place for children and youths from all over the world, and our vision is to be "the world's largest and most important venue for the joy of sport and friendship". We constantly work with partners on social action projects. The SDGs set out 17 goals to improve our world and we want to encourage our participants to help us take action. Choose one goal that's important to your team and follow our website and social media for fun activities and competitions in the lead up to the tournament. Read more about the SDGs here:

Choose a goal


Specific terms for teams

Kære tilmelder,

Tak for din tilmelding til Hillerød Påske Cup som afholdes 17. - 20. april 2025.

Lidt praktisk information:

Seneste mulighed for tilmelding af hold er 22. december 2024.

Som noget nyt i år kan vi først garantere en plads og godkende holdet, når holdgebyret er betalt og vi opfordre dermed til at betale holdgebyr så hurtigt som muligt efter tilmelding.

Holdgebyr skal betales senest den 19. januar 2025 og beløbet betales til Nordea - reg. nr. 2276 kontonr. 9036399977.

Tilmelding af antal spillere og ledere der skal spise og overnatte skal ske senest 19. januar 2025.

Både spillere og ledere skal betale deltagergebyr. En leder der er med på 2 hold, skal kun betale deltagergebyr engang.

Betaling for spillere og ledere skal foretages senest 2. februar 2025 til Nordea - reg. nr. 2276 kontonr. 9036399977.

Registrering af spillere med navn, fødselsdag og nummer skal ske senest 2. februar 2025.

Ved overførsel fra udlandet skal disse oplysninger bruges:

Nordea Danmark

IBAN: DK2920009036399977

Hvis i har nogle spørgsmål er i velkomne til at kontakte os på

Vi glæder os til at se jer til Hillerød Påske Cup.

Med venlig hilsen

Hillerød Håndboldklub

Personal information

Choose payment method

This registration needs to be paid by card
Card payment not required since you are administrator

Choose what costs to pay upon registration


To be paid upon registration

{{payNowCost()}} {{currency.code}}

-{{payNowDiscount()}} {{currency.code}}

{{payNowAmount()}} {{currency.code}}

including a deposit fee of {{payNowDeposit()}} {{currency.code}}

To be paid before {{paymentConfig.lastPaymentDateOther | date:'dd MMMM yyyy'}}

To pay at a later date

{{payLaterCost()}} {{currency.code}}

-{{payLaterDiscount()}} {{currency.code}}

{{payLaterAmount()}} {{currency.code}}

To be paid upon registration

{{payNowCost()}} {{currency.code}}

-{{payNowDiscount()}} {{currency.code}}

{{payNowAmount()}} {{currency.code}}

including a deposit fee of {{payNowDeposit()}} {{currency.code}}

Choose what costs to pay upon registration


To be paid upon registration

{{payNowCost(true)}} {{klarnaCurrency.toUpperCase()}}

-{{payNowDiscount(true)}} {{klarnaCurrency.toUpperCase()}}

{{payNowAmount(true)}} {{klarnaCurrency.toUpperCase()}}

including a deposit fee of {{payNowDeposit(true)}} {{klarnaCurrency.toUpperCase()}}

To be paid before {{paymentConfig.lastPaymentDateOther | date:'dd MMMM yyyy'}}

To pay at a later date

{{payLaterCost()}} {{currency.code}}

-{{payLaterDiscount()}} {{currency.code}}

{{payLaterAmount()}} {{currency.code}}

To be paid upon registration

{{payNowCost(true)}} {{klarnaCurrency.toUpperCase()}}

-{{payNowDiscount(true)}} {{klarnaCurrency.toUpperCase()}}

{{payNowAmount(true)}} {{klarnaCurrency.toUpperCase()}}

including a deposit fee of {{payNowDeposit(true)}} {{klarnaCurrency.toUpperCase()}}

What costs should be included in the first invoice


Will be invoiced upon registration

{{payNowCost()}} {{currency.code}}

-{{payNowDiscount()}} {{currency.code}}

{{payNowAmount()}} {{currency.code}}

including a deposit fee of {{payNowDeposit()}} {{currency.code}}

Due date {{paymentConfig.lastPaymentDateRegistration | date:'dd MMMM yyyy'}}

Will be invoiced later

{{payLaterCost()}} {{currency.code}}

-{{payLaterDiscount()}} {{currency.code}}

{{payLaterAmount()}} {{currency.code}}

The invoice will be sent before {{paymentConfig.lastPaymentDateOther | date:'dd MMMM yyyy'}}

The invoice will be sent at a later date

Will be invoiced upon registration

{{payNowCost()}} {{currency.code}}

-{{payNowDiscount()}} {{currency.code}}

{{payNowAmount()}} {{currency.code}}

including a deposit fee of {{payNowDeposit()}} {{currency.code}}

Due date {{paymentConfig.lastPaymentDateRegistration | date:'dd MMMM yyyy'}}


Needs to be paid before {{paymentConfig.lastPaymentDateRegistration | date:'dd MMMM yyyy'}}

Needs to be paid as soon as possible

{{payNowCost()}} {{currency.code}}

-{{payNowDiscount()}} {{currency.code}}

{{payNowAmount()}} {{currency.code}}

including a deposit fee of {{payNowDeposit()}} {{currency.code}}

Needs to be paid before {{paymentConfig.lastPaymentDateOther | date:'dd MMMM yyyy'}}

Needs to be paid at a later date

{{payLaterCost()}} {{currency.code}}

-{{payLaterDiscount()}} {{currency.code}}

{{payLaterAmount()}} {{currency.code}}

Please note that there are teams in the registration that will end up on the standby list
